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About these recommendations

We began this work by identifying a set of questions to ask practitioners to respond to via a written submission.

The questions were:

  1. Please describe your area of expertise, and outline your experience too.
  2. Thinking about the existing Government’s digital agenda, what problem keeps you up at night?
  3. What structural challenges have most impacted on your ability to deliver work in your area?
  4. In your area of expertise, where could Labour make the biggest difference and why?
  5. If you had a magic wand, what would you fix today?
  6. What three things would you want to see in place by 2029?
  7. To be most meaningful to voters, what would a digital vision for public services need to do?
  8. What should the vision not do?

Responses from the practitioners were collated, analysed and sorted into themes.

From these themes, we extracted 5 problem statements with 14 possible solutions. This first draft was redrafted into the current recommendations, with quotes from our contributors remaining throughout.

With thanks to our contributors

Trevor Callaghan

Dominic Campbell

Eliot Fineberg

Linda O'Halloran and TPX Impact

Dr Jessica Morley

Sam Nutt

Dr Helen Salisbury

Geta Sampemane

And thanks to Peter Wells who kindly proofread our recommendations, and made suggestions for where we could improve the copy.